24 February 2012

Birth Date

For all my social angst, it turned out OK. Even rather fun actually! All my disparate friends really enjoyed talking and meeting each other. They told me so. Some people couldn't come, so the group size was manageable for me - I didn't have to escape to the bathroom, chug wine and text myself blog ideas from the commode. In fact, I even drank coffee vs beer so I was less likely to crash my new car.

I did inadvertently meet a GUY at the bar before everyone arrived. His name was Tom. Curse! He was over 40, never married and not gay. Apparently rich. Would rather stay home and read but was out to meet his married not-gay guy friend. Tom was surprised that within moments of meeting me, a barfly, pretty and all alone, I was the center of the universe and knew half the people in the bar. He ended up staying for most of the party and even taking pictures.

The regifts I received were cherished and appreciated. Nothing shiny and new, please. I’ve been there and I know the glittery doesn’t last.

While I may have aged 100 years in 2011 alone,
it still felt great to survive another year.

In the last 18 months, divorce has aged me 100 years. But in calendar years I'm only turning 43. Still young, right? Am I young enough to start over and still have a life????? Some days I wonder.

Please join me to celebrate the fact I'm still standing (and very much alive) considering I've been badly beaten in a custody war and survived a big bad car crash, to name just a few recent events. 

And have it too!
WHAT: DS's 43rd birthday!
WHEN: Friday, February 24th
TIME: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
WHY: Why not???? I'm usually in my PJs by 7pm on Fridays. But let's face it, we all need an outing from time to time!

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: If you insist on bringing a gift, I insist it must be a REgift. Seriously. Don't even consider spending money. I'd appreciate your castaways and giveaways so much more! And of course bring husbands, significant others, even kids if you can't get a babysitter. I love being around other happy couples. Really, I do.

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